When you want to avoid surgery for chronic joint pain, you might benefit from the joint mobility restoration services available at Tri-Town Podiatry with offices in Canton, Arlington, and Chelsea, Massachusetts. Experienced podiatrists Irina Vasserman, DPM, and Tara Blitz, DPM, offer minimally invasive injections of Supartz to cushion your painful joints and provide long-term relief of pain and inflammation. To find out if joint mobility restoration services are right for you, call the nearest Tri-Town Podiatry office, or book a diagnostic evaluation online today.
Joint Mobility Restoration Q & A
What is joint mobility restoration?
The joint mobility restoration services the Tri-Town Podiatry team offers focus on relieving persistent knee pain that results from osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that causes the protective cartilage that lines the end of the bones in your joints to wear away. Your risk for developing osteoarthritis increases as you age or following an injury to your joint.
Without this protection, your movements make your bones rub together, creating friction, inflammation, and pain.
Over time, osteoarthritis can cause worsening pain that interferes with your joint’s mobility. Without treatment, permanent joint damage and deformities can develop in your knee joint, causing a disability.
What is involved in joint mobility restoration?
The team at Tri-Town Podiatry uses injections of Supartz to ease your joint pain and increase your knee joint’s mobility.
Supartz is made of a solution of sodium hyaluronate, a gel-like fluid that lubricates and cushions your joints. By injecting this solution directly into your knee joint, the team can help relieve pain and enhance the mobility of your joints.
You can expect to receive injections of Supartz in your knee once a week for a period of five weeks. Many people notice a significant decrease in pain within three weeks of treatment, with results continuing to improve after your sessions end.
The side effects of Supartz injections are minimal, but you might experience some pain at the injection site for several days before it resolves on its own. You should avoid strenuous activities for at least 48 hours after your injections to optimize your results.
When should I consider joint mobility restoration?
Joint mobility restoration is a possible treatment option if other therapies, like medications and physical therapy, aren’t working for you.
You should also schedule a diagnostic evaluation for chronic knee pain with the team at Tri-Town Podiatry if your activities are limited by pain or joint immobility. They can evaluate the severity of your condition to determine if Supartz injections are an option for your treatment.
To find out if joint mobility restoration is right for you, call the nearest Tri-Town Podiatry office, or book an appointment online today.